Refund Policy

Our Simple 7-Days Return Policy

In case you are not happy with the quality of the product or the product doesn’t fit you needs properly, you can simply return the product to us. We will replace the product or refund entire amount plus return shipping charges. Refund of return shipping charges will be limited to Rs 200 or 10% of product cost, whichever is lower. In case of cancellation you can drop us a mail at you can call us at : +91-9990054364. Whatsapp and message is also accepted in case you need to go for order cancellation.

Please note that the product should be unused and should be sent back along with original box and invoice to :  Nilgiri Apartments, Alaknanda, New Delhi, Delhi 110019

The refund process will be initiated once we have received the product(s). Typically refunds are processed in less than 10 working days but in case of payments by Cheque, it may take a few extra days for the cheque to be delivered to your billing address, and for the funds to be credited to your account, once you deposit the cheque.

This policy is only for customer in India and we won’t be able to provide exchange, returns or refunds to our international customer due to prohibitive shipping cost.

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